Glimpse of Sourdough 101


Glimpse of Sourdough 101


This is our very popular sourdough 101 class and perfect for those wanting to start their sourdough bread journey! Our end objective is to make a flavorful, dynamic, and consistent loaf of sourdough bread while also understanding what we’re doing along the way. Read through the ins and out of what and why you’re doing what you’re doing . Dive into the step by step recipe. Learn about baking schedules and how to take notes. And have me (Sarah Dodge!) available via email for questions and concerns!

We put in a little info about building a sourdough culture, but our in person students do leave with a culture so we talk more about maintaining it.

This class is priced at $4 because the value of the class dramatically drops if you are not in person, but I think there is a lot of value in reading the information as well as working through the recipe!

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